WE ARE WOLVES Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: enix (played by Savannah Mares), a young woman yearning for a sense of belonging and adventure. She leaves her mundane existence to reconnect with her 'chosen family' - a group that thrives on the fringes of society. However, upon her return, she finds herself at the mercy of Needles (Fawn Winters), a menacing figure with a sadistic streak, and Selena (Lauren Kravchenko), the group's formidable matriarch.
As Fenix struggles to prove her loyalty and worth, she is drawn into a web of sinister and deadly games orchestrated by Needles and Selena. 'WE ARE WOLVES' promises to be a gripping narrative that explores the depths of human nature, the concept of family, and the lengths one will go to find their place in the world.