A romantic couple was selected to appear on the kiss cam during a sports match, but the guy refused to kiss the girl. After that, she told him that she would be leaving him... and did. However, the young man had a perfectly good reason why he didn't want to show his feelings in public – He was married!
I loved this video especially because it had three of my favorite veteran actors of this channel in it and they all turned in top notch performances. The women had on screen chemistry with the antagonist, which made it more tragic. The actor that reminds me of Ainsley Seiger played so sincere, that it was disgusting when the antagonist showed how he really felt about her, "she is so stupid." The actor that played his wife was very convincing when she kissed him and said "that felt good," very good chemistry on the screen. He deserved worse than what he got. I once knew of a college guy that was sleeping with 5 coeds who thought they were his one and only. Two of them met and started a psychology study group of which I was a participant. They would talk about their boyfriends and it soon became evident, that it was the same guy. They started thinking and looking for others, one of the others, which lived in my apartment complex. Soon they found two others, so there were 5 girls he was cheating on. So, one of the girls took him out to a birthday dinner and at some point, he felt the presence of four bodies standing around him. He rapidly got up and left the restaurant and got mobbed by the 5 girls in the alley, where they stripped him naked and left him without clothes. He was such a narcissist that after the break-up he gave a fashion show, where he showed off the five suits he bought for work (he was a senior and it was his last semester) for the girls in the apartment complex I lived in. He later said, flirting with my girlfriend, that he loved each and every one of the five girls and could not believe that not one of them forgave him and stuck with him. So, when these stories end only in divorce, I am thinking that the cheater got off easily.
I LOVE THIS! I knew somethin' was up with Dean when he was actin' all funny and didn't want Kelly to kiss him on the kiss cam (I loved how Kelly kept hitting him with her hands & purse, "YOU...DON'T....WANNA....KISS....ME...AT...ALL!" lmbo). Both Kelly & Lois initiated the perfect plan to expose Dean's cheating ways, and Dean got exactly what he deserved (Mary Vasylyeva, Yaroslav Schinder & Paulina Nogai are 3 of my top favorite talented DramatizeMe actors). I also loved what Lois said, "You know how I feel about you. I've always loved you sincerely. And I have given you everything,. Everything I could, but I just can't forgive you for cheating on me," and this is how I felt about my ex-wife when she cheated on me once, but I'm so happy she's out of my life for good and I've moved on. I don't know about y'all, but my feeling is this - cheaters don't deserve forgiveness at all.
It's so satisf