How To Play The Indigo Disk DLC On Yuzu Emulator (Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)

2023-12-08 228

The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part 2: The Indigo Disk is the second expansion in the The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

It follows The Teal Mask. As such, completion of the main story of The Teal Mask, as well as completing the main story of Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet, are prerequisites to beginning the main story of The Indigo Disk.

Play this game in PC using the latest build of Yuzu Emulator, watch the guide and follow through all the steps to get started.

Official Site:

#PokemonScarletViolet #TheHiddenTreasureofAreaZero #TheIndigoDisk