Reinald Werrenrath - The Americans Come! (1918)

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What is the cheering, my little one?
Oh, that my blinded eyes could see!
Hasten, my boy--to the window run, and
see what the noise in the street may be.

I hear the drums and the marching feet.
Look and see what it's all about!
Who can it be that our people greet with
cheer and laughter and joyous shout?

SON TO FATHER: There are men, my father--brown and strong.
And they carry a banner of wondrous hue. With a mighty tread
they swing along. Now I see white stars on a field of blue!

FATHER REPLIES TO SON: You say that you see white stars on blue?
Look--are there stripes of red and white? It must be, yes, it must be true!

Oh, dear God, if I had my sight! Hasten, son, fling the window wide.
Let me kiss the staff that flag swings from and salute the Stars and
Stripes with pride. For, God be praised, the Americans come!

Reinald Werrenrath

"The Americans Come! (An episode in France in the year 1918)"

Victor 45157


World War I song

Fay Foster song

Un Français aveugle parle a son fils:] "Mon fils qui done acclamat'on? Par la fenêtre penches toi. Dis moi qui crie en passant Puisque mes pauvres yeux ne voient! J'entends le son de leurs tambours Les pas rythmiques des bataillons Qui donc arrive en ce séjour aux sons joyeux du peuple criant?" [Le fils:] "Des soldats, mon père, forts et fiers, Passent dans la rue en rangs serrés Ils portent haut leur jo lie banniére, ayant un fond bleu tout étoilé!" [Le père:] "Tu vois un fond bleu tout étoilé? Regardes encore! Ah puisje croire! Voistu du blanc et rouge, en raies? Oh, grand Dieu, si je pouvais voir! Hâtestoi ouvres la croisée Que j'embrasse notre tricolore Et salue le drâpeau étoilé Lou é soit Dieu, L'amérique vient!".