En ole videon alkuperäinen tallentaja tai julkaisija. Video julkaistu 10.10.22.
A man is not wearing a face mask in Finland while traveling in a tram.
00:00 - 00:02 Woman: Do you have to sit there when you're not wearing a mask?
00:02: Man: What?
00:02: Woman: [Repeats the question]
00:06-00:07: But you are wearing a mask.
00:07-00:09: Yes, so can you go elsewhere?
00:09-00:11: It's not like you can forbid me from sitting down.
00:13-00:15 Flaccid Middle-aged Excuse For A Man: Yes, she can. Masks are mandatory [they're not, actually].
00:17-00:22 Older Excuse For A Man: If you can read, you can see wearing masks is mandatory here. Helsinki Regional Transport Authority says so.
00:24-00:25 Man: What is the problem here?
00:26-00:27 OEFAM: You not wearing a mask.
00:30 Man: Right.
00:31-00:35 FMEFAM: You're such a fucking idiot. Goddamnit.
00:36-52 Man: [I can't make out what he's saying. I'm guessing he's talking about a different transportation company in which there were no such problem]
00:52 Woman: You have been kindly asked to go sit elsewhere, because this person find it uncomfortable that you sit next to without a mask