Wales headlines 24 November: 20mph speed limit journey times questioned by stats agency, coeliac woman dies after weetabix hospital breakfast, Wales to play Finland in Euro 2024 play off

2023-11-24 2,491

Claims that the Welsh governments 20mph speed limit change would only add ‘around a minute’ to journeys has been queried by a national stats organisation. The Office for Statistical Regulation said leaflets given to peoples homes lacked transparency. The Welsh government say they welcomed the input.

A Health board in north Wales has been criticised after the death of a coeliac woman when she was given weetabix at a hospital. Hazel Pearson, 79, died of aspiration pneumonia on 30th November 2021. Ms Pearson’s family say they reminded staff at the hospital she was gluten free on a number of occasions.

Wales will have a Euro 2024 play off semi final against Finland in March, and will play either Estonia or Poland if they win that game. Wales failed to qualify automatically, to the Euros for the first time in over 10 years, but will be hopeful of a return with their play offs being home. They’ll definitely need the red wall behind them.