stories of popular " /> stories of popular "/>
"Welcome to our channel 'Movies Explained Urdu'! We explain the intriguing
stories of popular films in Urdu and Hindi so you can better understand the genre, plot twists, and the backstory. Our videos also uncover the philosophical aspects, complete details, and hidden beauties behind the
movies. If you are a movie lover and want to delve deep into their depths,
subscribe to our channel!"
Credits :
Directed by : Roel Reiné
Starring : Frank Lammers and Barry Atsma
Edited by : Michèle Tyan
Distributed by : A-Film Benelux
Screenplay by : Lars Boom ,Alex van Galen and Michael Loumeau
Produced by : Klaas de Jong
Cinematography : Roel Reiné
Production company : Farmhouse Film & TV
I am not the owner of any content which I used in my video all resource
like picture or video from google or any other helpful site which help
us to explain our video nicely or deeply so I credit to my all work to
google or any other sites (Respectively) .If , I used any other's content
then I will definitely credit to him thanks.I hope all owner understand
to me if I used some content in my videos thanks again to all owners.
This channel Does Not promotes or encourages any illegal activities and
all content provided by this channel is meant for Entertainment or
Educational Purpose only.
#movie insight urdu