What will happen if you start doing 100 pullups everyday.

2023-11-10 1

Pull-ups are one of the best exercises for building upper body strength and muscle mass. But what will happen if you start doing 100 pull-ups every day?

In this video, we'll discuss the benefits and risks of doing 100 pull-ups every day, and we'll also give you some tips on how to get started with a daily pull-up routine.

**Benefits of doing 100 pull-ups every day:**

* Increased muscle strength and mass in the back, chest, arms, and shoulders
* Improved grip strength
* Reduced risk of injury
* Improved posture
* Increased metabolism

**Risks of doing 100 pull-ups every day:**

* Overtraining, which can lead to injuries
* Muscle soreness and fatigue
* Joint pain

**Tips for getting started with a daily pull-up routine:**

* Start with a small number of pull-ups per day, such as 10 or 20.
* Gradually increase the number of pull-ups you do each day as you get stronger.
* Listen to your body and take breaks when you need them.
* Use proper form to avoid injuries.
* Focus on quality over quantity.

**Call to action:**

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**Additional tags:**

#whathappenswhenyoudo100pullupsaday #benefitsofpullups #risksofpullups #howtogetstartedwithapulluproutine #dailypulluproutine #pulluptips