Continental Squats 300½lb

2023-10-20 24

Hack Lifts were a PERFECT warm-up for these! Shown are 139¾lb, 231lb, SIX MISSES x 320lb, a miss then a make with 300½lb which ties my PR! Hallelujah! WHY would l recommend these? IF you need more lower back endurance for your Squats, then doing these for a month will build that endurance. Hopping the bar up the back is 3-4 mini concentric Good Mornings which has you then Squatting with a pre-fatigued lower back similar to doing Leg Extensions before a set of Squats to pre-fatigue the Quads. Yes, you're gonna build some shoulder mobilty as well. Lotsa good going on here! God Bless!
"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." - James 4:7
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