(2of2)Amberlynn Vs. Destiny 2023: Side Characters & Other Explanations

2024-01-27 12

After a series of live streams and videos made by Destiny and Amberlynn in 2023, some subjects were covered with short answers.
Topics explained and elaborated on in this video include:
- Destiny not wanting to start issues with Amberlynn by correcting her grammar
-Amberlynn's snoring and sleep apnea symptoms
-Amberlynn's bedtime separation anxiety
-FBI Frank
-Gracie Mae and the red couch
-Destiny's sister's birthday glitter bomb
-The rocks in the sink
-Jumping off the curb
-The BB Junes undercover operation to save her from Foodie
-Knowledge of surprise parties beforehand
-Wearing the wrong shoes
-The Black Leggeens
-Destiny not having to take care of Amberlynn as much has Becky