(1of2)Amberlynn Vs. Destiny 2023: Side Characters & Other Explanations

2024-01-27 17

After a series of live streams and videos made by Destiny and Amberlynn in 2023, some subjects were covered with short answers. Topics explained and elaborated on in this video include:

- Drama between Eric & Rickie and Becky & Amberlynn
- Destiny's communication with Becky
-The last time Destiny saw Amberlynn in person for Becky's birthday in 2020, which leads into Amberlynn's habit of filming Destiny on the toilet
- #FreeTwinkie
- The Griffins
-Amberlynn saying she won't say anything negative about Destiny before saying something negative about Destiny regarding Dana
-Amberlynn randomly vlogging other people
-Amberlynn's falling in the mud the first time meeting Destiny