Lawmen Bass Reeves Trailer - Plot Synopsis: From executive producers Taylor Sheridan (1883) and David Oyelowo (Selma) comes the untold story of the most legendary lawman in the Old West: Bass Reeves. LAWMEN: BASS REEVES, follows the journey of Reeves (Oyelowo) and his rise from enslavement to law enforcement as the first Black U.S. Marshal west of the Mississippi. Despite arresting over 3,000 outlaws during the course of his career, the weight of the badge was heavy, and he wrestled with its moral and spiritual cost to his beloved family.
starring David Oyelowo, Dennis Quaid, Forrest Goodluck, Lauren E. Banks, Barry Pepper, Grantham Coleman, Demi Singleton, Garrett Hedlund, Donald Sutherland
release date November 5, 2023 (on Paramount Plus)