Jonnie Irwin and Jasmine Harman were going head to head in Thursday’s instalment of A Place in the Sun: Home or Away. Jonnie was in Devon while Jasmine was house hunting in Dordogne, France for Phil and Geraldine. The couple were looking for a minimum of three bedrooms and a modern interior. And when Jasmine showed them around the second property she had lined up, the couple remarked how “perfect” it was causing her to gloat and suggest she had won the challenge against Jonnie before all houses were visited and a decision over Home or Away was made. It was Phil who wanted to stay put in Britain, telling Jonnie how he “spent a year as a young man in Devon” and “loved the county,” arguing it’s wonderful”. Geraldine was team ‘away’ and said: “I’m thinking if we’re going to move anywhere ...
#APlace, #Sun’sJasmineHarman, #gloats, #JonnieIrwin’s, #loss‘Bad, #luck’
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