As Fitzroy River swallows 'ghost' house blocks, council reluctantly writes off almost $80,000 in rat

2023-10-09 1

#housing #rates #council #councilrates
At that time, Canny could see an investment, but what was main coastal land in town of life 160 years ago was now at bottom of Fitzroy River. Lock Points Livingstone Shire Council Livingstone Shire Council wrote unpaid rates for the river bed blocks after not being able to find any grandchildren. They are an example of what Australian town planners call "planning ghosts".Parts of streets gathered as river changed in last 160 years In 1858, Rockhampton businessman Edmund Henriques was among those who caught one of these four blocks on Bourke Street, 40 kilometers north of Rockhampton. In recent years, although completely immersed, the blocks were valued by Livingstone Shire Council up to $ 2,500. In a meeting held last month, the Council, despite important investigations, could not find the grandchildren of Mr. Henriques and other investors and other investors' grandchildren or "beneficiaries" after unpaid rates for unpaid rates for river bed blocks. Since 1858, a large transition point for Fitzroy River, the life of life was a vision for approximately 500 home blocks The land of life is an example of what Australian town planners call "planning ghosts". An article delivered to the Australian Planning Institute said that they were "invisible towns and sub -sections that never notice the ambitious plans put forward by a country -wide, hopeful government or entrepreneur." Although such lots are registered in the head office, there are no built roads, services, buildings or fences, and usually no survey latches. Planners call these places as historical lots, historical sub -sections or paper sub -sections. In case life, 1858 town plan contained about 500 lots that could not meet expectations a development development, most streets are empty and largely forgotten - so far. Secrets Livingstone resident for long time Glenda Mather, as a shire council member, changes river route, and at least dozen great floods came and said that the episodes of Bourke Street have been undertaken for last 160 years. Livingstone Shire Assembly Member Glanda Mather looks at the Fitzroy River where several home blocks have fallen. Council officers by the officers of long -term unpaid debts, a desperate situation for the four parties, he said. “Nature has no mercy, Cr Cr Mather said while looking at the wreck land during his visit to the town. He continued "Surely civil servants looked at logical approach and accepted the proposal that we forgive and deleted council rates." John Fletcher, a rochampton historian, said Yaamba was an important pioneer settlement in the 1800s. "This a great center because it was main transition Fitzroy River on north, and until 1881 there no bridge river in Rockhampton."Said. "Horses float and Drays [big carrying cars]." An aircraft showing how Yaamba developed after the 1858 town plan. The strategic importance of Yaamba grew with the construction of a pumping station that provides fresh water to Rockha