He was investigated for sexting a student at the Coast Guard Academy. He’s now a college president

2023-10-06 1

College President's Dark Secret
A college president, who wants his campus to become the business school "of choice for women," once exchanged sexually suggestive messages with a student he taught at the Coast Guard Academy.
Prosecutors recommended charges against him in military court, but the case was quashed by Coast Guard leaders.
Despite the allegations, he now heads Nichols College in Massachusetts.
Attorneys at the Coast Guard recommended charging Capt.
Glenn Sulmasy with conduct unbecoming an officer.
They believed that prosecution was the only proper course of action and that failing to act could attract negative publicity.
However, the case was never prosecuted, allowing Sulmasy's career in private academia to flourish.
Sulmasy's attorney defended his client, calling the prosecution memo "ridiculous."
Following CNN inquiries, Nichols College launched an impartial investigation into the matter and Sulmasy volunteered to take a leave of absence pending the results.
This case is another example of the Coast Guard failing to hold its service members accountable for alleged misconduct.
CNN previously uncovered a secret investigation into rapes and sexual assaults at the Coast Guard Academy, which had been withheld from Congress until CNN started making inquiries.
Coast Guard investigators uncovered over 1,600 texts between Sulmasy and the student, the majority of which were of a sexual or flirtatious nature.
The messages showed Sulmasy's attraction to the student and his desire to "spoil" her.
Prosecutors argued that the evidence warranted prosecuting Sulmasy for conduct unbecoming an officer and willful dereliction of duty.
Coast Guard leaders overruled the prosecutors and decided not to press charges against Sulmasy, keeping the findings of the investigation from being made public.
Sulmasy went on to work at Bryant University before becoming the president of Nichols College.
The case of the college president's dark secret highlights the need for accountability and transparency in addressing misconduct within educational institutions.
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