Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Were Targeted by 'Brazenly Coordinated' Harassment Campaign on Twitte

2023-10-02 1

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were the targets of a hate-fueled, coordinated Twitter campaign rife with "racist coded language," according to a new analytics report.  On Tuesday, Twitter analytics service Bot Sentinel released a report analyzing 114,000 tweets related to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. They found that around 70 percent of hateful comments about the couple originated from just 83 accounts.  "Using internal and 3rd party analytic tools, we estimate a combined unique potential reach of 17,000,000 users," the report stated. "We used friend/follower connections, retweets, and mentions to identify accounts that were part of the same hate network. Our research revealed these a ...
#MeghanMarkle, #PrinceHarryWereTargeted, #BrazenlyCoordinatedHarassmentCampaign, #Twitter
#MeghanMarkle, #News, #PrinceHarry, #RoyalNews
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