Six teenagers believed to be involved in ute rollover near Kalgoorlie in WA, one critical

2023-10-01 1

#kalgoorlie #crash #majorcrash #uterollover
At least one person was critically injured in a serious accident with a ute near Kalgoorlie, about 600 kilometers northeast of Perth. Ute is believed to be six people between the ages of 14 and 18, including the driver. The police were called to the scene at 1540, and St John Wa responds to a Ute Rollover on a earth track in Bushland. They said the scene was five to 10 kilometers northwest of Kalgoorelie. Police said that at least one person was critically injured and the response continued on Sunday evening. St John ambulance spokesman said seven crews were at the scene. According police, to determine conditions surrounding accident, major accident investigation officers will be deployed Kalgoorlie.