Miracle Boy Ghanim Al Muftah with no Legs and Lower Torso Performed Tawaf e Umrah Walking on Hands

2023-10-01 9

Miracle Boy Ghanim Al Muftah with no Legs and Lower Torso Performed Tawaf e Umrah Walking on Hands

#GhanimalMuftah, who became famous globally in the #Qatar #World Cup, has performed #Umrah . Qatari citizen Ghanem Muhammad Al-Muftah, a #CongenitalLowerTorsoAmputee, has millions of followers on #SocialMedia and is hailed as a #Hero . On the occasion of the #Football World Cup in Qatar last year, 18-year-old Ghanim al-Muftah presented an exemplary dialogue with #AmericanArtist #MorganFreeman at the #OpeningCeremony . Ghanim al-Muftah performed Umrah with his hands instead of #circumambulating the #Kaaba on a chair. He also read the verse of the Holy Qur'an, which is translated as 'Allah does not burden anyone beyond his strength'. Ghanim al-Muftah said, "What if I don't have legs, my Lord has blessed me with strong hands, which are a substitute for my legs and I will circumambulate #makkah BaitAllah with them." The management of Masjid al-Haram provided them with all possible facilities while performing Umrah. Security personnel also helped so that they could comfortably circumambulate Bait Allah with their hands. It should be noted that the #disease that Ghanem al-Muftah is suffering from is rare in the world. One in 25,000 people may suffer from this disease, which causes the lower torso to fail to develop in #newborns