Canberra Voice campaigners from both sides rally two weeks out from referendum

2023-09-30 1

#Voice #Referendum #Indigenous #AboriginalandTorresStraitIslander
Only two weeks before parliamentary referendum of indigenous sound, they carried out their first events in Canberra, and returned to "sense of unity" introduced by yes. The Base Organization Black People's Union defines it as "progressive No" movement that opposes premise of referendum to conceal sound of first nations in Constitution. "I do not believe that 97 percent non-indigenous population decide what should be 3 percent of the political role population as a sovereign person and what our relationship be with our oppressors. "-This President Leah House said. The 30 -year -old Nambri woman said that assuming that people will solve the systemic domestic disadvantage of the referendum, it would be "ignorant". "I do not believe that country will turn into this post -colonial utopia in a magical way, it is thought that some people think we will be united country."Said. He said "We will still be interested in detention deaths, theft our land, and the removal children in some the highest rates - none this will disappear." Approximately 60 participants said that on Saturday, BPU's speaker panel in Canberra, one of the only incident in the country's capital, and Australia should follow its own destiny and monitor sovereignty. The 30 -year -old Mrs. House was worried that Federal Sound to Parliament would increase the deficiencies that Canberra associated with first official national consultancy organ. Ahorijin and Torres Strait Islander was chosen as chosen corpse , but he went away from his role in early this year to protest against operations. "The ACT government used the elected organ [local] to claim that there was consent and consensus that Aborigin and Torres Strait Islanders support the yes campaign."Said. "However, selected body cannot speak for the community because he did not make any community consultations during period." The Greens comes as the publishers on Friday, when the first Nations Advisory Group issued official duties against sound on Friday. "I don't remember that during political activism since I was 13, I don't remember that Australian colonial government has ever come to vote to be in constitution of colonial government," national joint conviction Tjanara Goreng said.Said. Dr. Goreng Goreng, who participated in Uluru declaration agreement in 2017, said that constitutional recognition should be separated from the sound and that sound should only accompany truth and treaty. "The treaty is actually what we want as a dominant group, because Commonwealth has never signed an agreement with us." Aunt Violet Sheridan said that she was working to reach young and undecided voters. On other side of city, YES23 barbecue, led by Ngunawal Elder Aunt Violet Sheridan, called on Canberra's multicultural community to listen to needs of First Nations. "If we do not take this referendum from the line, it will take 50 years return to the table discuss an agreement."Said. "But yes,

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