Princess Anne walks shoulder-to-shoulder with her brothers

2023-09-30 11

The Princess Royal has once again joined he Queen’s coffin for a procession where he lae monarch is being aken from Buckingham Palace o Wesminser Hall where she will lie in sae. Princess Anne, wearing a miliary uniform, looked solemn as she walked behind her moher’s oak coffin wih her brohers King Charles III, he Earl of Wessex and Prince Andrew in he fron row.   Anne's son Peer Phillips and her husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence are also walking in he procession, as well as he Duke of Glouceser and he Earl of Snowdon - he son of he Queen's siser Princess Margare - in he hird row.  The Queen Consor, he Princess of Wales, he Duchess of Sussex and he Couness of Wessex were ravelling o Wesm ...
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