Jury finds former volunteer firefighter guilty of lighting several bushfires in the Adelaide Hills t

2023-09-27 11

#trial #arson #gregorymcgannon #bushfires
For more than 30 years, the country's Fire Department volunteer was found guilty by a jury of a regional court that illuminated several forest burns in Adelaide Hills in January 2021. Lock Points Old CFS Volunteer Gregory Mcgannon was found guilty of Bushfires lighting in January 2021 Former CFS volunteer Gregory Mcgannon was found guilty of the Bushfires lighting in January 2021, the fires in Adelaide Hills destroyed two houses and burned 2,700 hectares of land The fires in Adelaide Hills destroyed two houses and burned a land of 2,700 hectares, Mcgannon was found drunk by the police in a spot fire incident. Gregory John Mcgannon, 63 -year -old, was found guilty of seven numbers that caused shrub fire and number dangerous driving to pursue police after jury negotiation of almost four and half hours. The two -week hearing that Mcgannon has been working as a CFS volunteer for more than 30 years. He had preserved his innocence since he was arrested and shook his head when the decision was read. The fires near Cherry Gardens, Bradbury Kangarilla destroyed two houses and burned 2,700 hectares of rubbing pastures. Mcgannon burned forest burns on the extreme air day and took 300 firefighters to include flames and protect the houses. Mcgannon has been innocent since he was arrested in 2021. CFS experts and Mcgannon arrested the police during the hearing, but decided not to testify. Police body vision, Mcgannon'a Cherry Gardens'daki Hicks Hill Road showed a sports fire at scene, and the officers said he saw person burning fires. He then gave a 0.145 positive blood-alcohol test. “The bastard burned him, I saw him illuminated him, and I thought he was a bloody stupid,” he said. I saw someone illuminated. "I did the right one after 30 years in CFS ... Cherry Gardens Blaze destroyed two houses and darkened 2,700 hectares For Mcgannon, defense lawyers claimed that the same person could not prove more than one fire. The first six number of causing Bushfire was unanimously vote, but the jury Foreperson confirmed that more than that of members voted Mcgannon as guilty. The jury unanimously voted for trying to escape from the police with a dangerous driving. Mcgannon will return to court for a court application in November.