Sakitnya Cinta - Artis Pendukung O.M. New U 98 Palembang Live Desa

2023-09-26 9

Telah aku pasrahkan semua
Cinta dan kasih sayangku padamu
Namun sikapmu serta rasa sayangmu
Kurasa semakin sirna mesramu
Goresan cinta palsu cintamu
Membuat luka yang perih di kalbuku
Engkau permainkan hati dan cintaku
Kejam, sungguh kejamnya kau padaku
Dulu kusangka
Saat pertama jumpa
Awal bahagia
Bersenandung asmara dan bercinta
Tapi ternyata
Semua kini sirna
Setelah ada
Di hatimu tersimpan cinta lain
Kini tinggal diriku
Sendiri berteman sepi
Sakit karena kamu
Yang tega mengkhianati
Telah aku pasrahkan semua
Cinta dan kasih sayangku padamu
Namun sikapmu serta rasa sayangmu
Kurasa semakin sirna mesramu
Dulu kusangka
Saat pertama jumpa
Awal bahagia
Bersenandung asmara dan bercinta
Tapi ternyata
Semua kini sirna
Setelah ada
Di hatimu tersimpan cinta lain
Kini tinggal diriku
Sendiri berteman sepi
Sakit karena kamu
Yang tega mengkhianati
Hati ini, cintaku

I have given up everything
My love and affection for you
But your attitude and your affection
I think your affection is becoming less and less intimate
Scratches of your fake love
Made a painful wound in my heart
You played with my heart and love
Cruel, how cruel you are to me
I used to think
When we first met
Happy start
Hum romance and make love
But it turns out
Everything is gone now
Once there
In your heart is stored another love
Now it's just me
Alone, lonely friends
It hurts because of you
Who has the heart to betray
I have given up everything
My love and affection for you
But your attitude and your affection
I think your affection is becoming less and less intimate
I used to think
When we first met
Happy start
Hum romance and make love
But it turns out
Everything is gone now
Once there
In your heart is stored another love
Now it's just me
Alone, lonely friends
It hurts because of you
Who has the heart to betray
This heart, my love

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