One of the tools of manipulation used by leaders of destructive cults is to label people into “classes”, incite anger or ridicule against a particular “class” that they invented based on cult doctrine, and cause people to feel superior in the cult — which is also given a class. Even those who are undecided on what, exactly, they believe, are given a class. In the Latter Rain revivals, William Branham called this the “Three classes of believers: Believers, Unbelievers, and Make Believers.”
Those who accepted the “Five Fold Ministry” rank and status of the Latter rain evangelists were called “Believers”. Those who rejected the Post WWII Healing Revival as a whole were “Unbelievers” — even if they were Christian. People who were on the fence, those coming to the revival to see a miracle while still attending a denominational church, were “Make Believers”.
This strategy was one Branham adopted from a book in his library entitled Tarbell’s Teachers Guide to the International Sunday-School Lessons for 1912 by Martha Tarbell. “The world has been divided into four classes - unbelievers, make-believers, half-believers, and believers.” Branham simplified Tarbell’s doctrine by combining the “make believers” and “half-believers”, and trained his cult of personality to ridicule those in other classes.
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