RICH PARENTS Make KID FEEL DUMB, What Happens Is Shocking Dhar Mann

2023-09-08 414

RICH PARENTS Make KID FEEL DUMB, What Happens Is Shocking Dhar Mann
A message to everyone: Students NEVER learn by being ashamed. They learn by knowing what’s the right thing or what’s not the right thing.
Parents can be at times become anxious to see their children do well, but forget to understand that every child learn differently. Never compare your children they're different. Be patient and kind allow them to make mistake and correct them selve that's how they grow. Powerful message
Zayne definitely told his parents what most of us have been wanting to say. Parents need to be supportive even if their child struggles in school. If a child receives an F, it shouldn't be to punish him or her. It should be a wake up call and a call for improvement. Also, contrasting Zayne to his big brother is definitely not the thing to do. Bryant & Zayne learn at completely different levels of learning and completely different characteristics. That is totally okay to have too. It's not a competition.