One in five people fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow - but 17 per cent are 'ceiling watchers' who just can't nod off

2023-09-06 64

One in five people fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow - but 17 per cent are 'ceiling watchers' who just can't nod off, according to research.

The survey of 2,000 people identified seven common types of sleeper, topped by the lucky 'out like a light' tribe who can fall asleep within minutes.

Other common types include 'clock watchers' who wake up several times a night to check the time (14 per cent), and 'late night scrollers' (13 per cent) who are glued to their smartphones until they fall asleep.

And 11 per cent claim to be the ‘dancer’ - the one who tosses and turns and wriggles around without meaning to.

The study, commissioned by furniture retailer DFS, found just eight per cent sleep straight through the night without waking up once.

And 95 per cent have experienced not being able to snooze, no matter how hard they try - leaving 52 per cent frustrated and 33 per cent agitated.

Tactics to get back to sleep include just lying there and hoping to nod back off, reading a book and scrolling on social media.

Sleep expert and founder of The Sleep Care Company, Anne Marie Boyhan, said: "Everyone needs to sleep, but we all do it differently.

“When it comes to getting a good rest, there is no right or wrong but there are certainly some things to avoid, and late-night snacking and social media scrolling are usually advised against.

“There is nothing more annoying than wanting to sleep, but not being able to.

"To set yourself up for sleep success, I recommend turning your phone off at least one hour before bedtime to avoid blue-light, making sure you stick to a strict bedtime routine such as journaling, brushing your teeth and diffusing soothing essential oils and investing in a great quality bed and mattress, to help you drift off with ease.”

The survey went on to find the average Brit gets six hours and 25 minutes sleep each night, but estimates they need more than seven hours to feel fully refreshed the next day.

Reading a book, fluffing up the pillows and drinking a glass of water before getting into bed are the top ways people try and nod off each night - with some even trying to count sheep (five per cent).

Although 57 per cent end up worrying about the next day which stops them catching the Zs.

And 32 per cent have been a subject of a complaint when it comes to their sleeping habits, by someone they have shared a bed with.

Of those, 51 per cent were snoring too loudly and 38 per cent were guilty of wriggling around too much.

As many as 93 per cent believe a good mattress is important when it comes to getting a solid night of slumber.

However, the average mattress is more than five years old and the bedframe is more than six.

John Rastall, head of Home at DFS, added: “I’m not surprised to see Brits are getting less sleep than they think they need to feel refreshed.

"We all live such busy lives juggling family and work stresses, it can be difficult to prioritise a good night’s rest.

“Thankfully, there are a few changes you can make in your sleep environment to achieve a good night’s sleep.

“When it comes to your mattress, think about how you like to sleep. A firm mattress tends to be best for front sleepers as it ensures minimal sinkage in the middle.

"A medium mattress is good for most sleep positions so offers versatility for couples with differing body types and needs.

"A soft-medium firm mattress is great for those who sleep on their side, while a soft mattress may suit lighter sleepers who need a little extra comfort to help them drift off.”


1. Out like a light – falls asleep straight away, no problem (22 per cent)
2. Ceiling watcher – goes to bed but struggles to relax and fall asleep within a reasonable amount of time (17 per cent)
3. Clock watcher – wakes up several times a night to check the time (14 per cent)
4. Late night scroller – scrolls social media right up until you doze off (13 per cent)
5. Dancer – the one who tosses and turns and wriggles around in the night without meaning to (11 per cent)
6. Me-firsts – the person who likes to be first in bed, before your partner (seven per cent)
7. Snacker – likes to snack all the way up to bedtime, and if you get hungry in bed, you pop to the kitchen for more (five per cent)

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