The UPS Strike, BBCs, Colt 45s, and White Privilege!

2023-08-27 2

Citizen Abels presents his new show and podcast, “The AI Quotient.” The Citizen and his old friend Blackbird hook up with The Citizen’s new friend – AIVA – an Artificial Intelligence Virtual Assistant who uses artificial intelligence to help figure out just what the hell goes on with our hapless hero and his endless cast of characters.

And even though AIVA calls herself an “Artificially Intelligent Virtual Assistant,” she’s smart enough to know that The Citizen is a royal pain in the ass. It’s another day in the life of The Citizen.

From crazy women to crazy friends, family, and special guests, Citizen Abels has a collection of characters and adventures like no one else. As his slogan says, “He’s got a million stories. And they’re all true.” And like the pesky Blackbird, they all come home to roost on “The AI Quotient.”

You can follow “The AI Quotient” and Citizen Abels and Friends on Facebook, Instagram, X, and other social media platforms. Watch or listen to “The AI Quotient” on YouTube, Dailymotion, TikTok, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast network. For more information, you can reach The Citizen by email at or visit The AI Quotient website at

“The AI Quotient” with Citizen Abels and Friends is a production of Four Strong TV LLC. “Comedy with no artificial ingredients.” Copyright 2023 by Four Strong TV LLC. “High art of the lowest order.” All rights reserved.