What Happened to the Ancient Mayans? The Mayan Message: Bec Mylonas

2023-08-18 5

See more here: https://wp.me/p58EtD-6JS
Bec’s spiritual awakening was not an easy ride, as she was taken to the depths of the depths within. A place many people would not be able to face and come out the other other side into the light, knowing she is light and here to radiate this knowing so others can remember.
Bec Mylonas is a priestess, energetic alchemist, psychic channel, new earth leader, mystic, creatrix, speaker and writer who is passionate about helping people navigate their awakening and initiation process, in order to step into and embody their fullest, highest, most aligned version of soul-self.

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Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Medium and Channel, KAren helps you align with your Soul's calling. KAren Swain is a Channel, Mentor, Spiritual Teacher and Way-shower for the expansion of our Powers of Deliberate Creation, invites other teachers and experiencers to ATP Media to expand the conversation of how to evolve human consciousness, expand human potential, overcome adversity, advance human society as we transition to the next evolutionary step in human evolution. Enjoy our conversations. BIG LOVE ksx

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