The Cake At Stake Mashup Medley

2023-08-18 129

I wanna make a Longest Cake at Stake as well on Battle for Dream Island


(Song 1)

(Song 2)
Hork Hork Hork! Glorp Glorp! Gloop Gloop Gloop! Doot Doot!

(Song 3)
OMG, There's points now! Who'll go home? We'll just see...

(Song 4 and 5)
The points are gone, we are free from them now but we look on. To the moment that we see, the next slice of cake. A step closer to the prize, brought on by

(Song 6)
Season coming to an end. Very few contestants left! Some of them are getting cake! One of them is so at stake! It's

(Song 7)
Doy doy doy doy doy doy doy doy-

(Song 8)
Hey Two!
When you bake a cake, decorate and take it to the players who are safe, that's how you know it's Cake at Stake (stake, stake)!

Everyone Cake at Stake- *SCREAMING LOUDLY WITH FEAR*