Renewable energy in California....unique projects that enhance the state's leadership in America

2023-08-16 3

A utility company in California is installing solar panels over its canal system, hoping to provide relief as power and water utilities are under more pressure than ever due to the extreme conditions of climate change in the U.S. West.
Renewable energy in California, one of the largest in the United States, is getting a lot of attention.
This qualifies it as the most solar producing country in America.
About 1.3 million people have solar panels on their rooftops or in their workplaces.
The state, located in the western United States, aims to produce 60% of the country's electricity from renewable energy sources by 2035.
This percentage will increase to 100% in 10 years, in the year 2045.
And contributed to the decrease in the cost of producing electricity from renewable energy sources in the state of California.
In addition to continuous innovations aimed at developing the sector, to increase reliance on renewable energy sources.
Fossil fuels have become an alternative source of electricity production.
#Reuters #California #News
Number one:Create a photovoltaic panel.
Number Two:A new solar energy plant.
Number three: a project to cover water channels with solar panels.