AI Algorithm Locates Previously Undetected 'Hazardous' Asteroid

2023-08-09 1

AI Algorithm , Locates Previously Undetected , 'Hazardous' Asteroid.
'Dazed' reports that artificial intelligence
has helped spot a "potentially hazardous
asteroid" (PHA) for the first time. .
The PHA was reportedly spotted
by a star-gazing algorithm after
having slipped past human scientists. .
According to algorithm HelioLinc3D, the asteroid
is approximately 600 feet long and on a course
that will bring it within 140,000 miles of our planet.
Scientists project that the chances of the asteroid
hitting the Earth in the next 100 years are fairly slim.
However, 'Dazed' reports that scientists
have identified 2,350 PHAs and estimate
that over 3,000 more remain unidentified.
HelioLinc3D, the algorithm responsible
for spotting asteroid 2022 SF289, was developed
for the Vera Rubin Observatory in Chile. .
The discovery came amid a test run
that proved that HelioLinc3D could beat
existing algorithms in detecting PHAs. .
By demonstrating the real-world
effectiveness of the software that
Rubin will use to look for thousands
of yet-unknown potentially hazardous
asteroids, the discovery of
2022 SF289 makes us all safer, Ari Heinze, the principal developer of HelioLinc3D and a
researcher at the University of Washington, via 'Dazed'.
Scientists believe that the Rubin observatory,
combined with the capabilities of HelioLinc3D, will
be capable of spotting new PHAs on a daily basis.