Zachary Clement / New York Contemporary: Art Times Squared / HangART-7 (2006) (r2)

2023-08-09 9

For the fourth edition of the HangART-7 exhibition – “New York Contemporary: Art Times Squared” – the artistic director HangART-7, Lioba Reddeker, invited seven artists, selected by seven curators. Among them: Zachary Clement (curator: Ombretta Agrí Andruff). He and Ombretta Agrí Andruff talk about his work. “Clement’s dynamic expressionist style is made of powerful, excited brush-strokes executed using various media such as acrylic paint, spary paint, oil pastels, graphite, and conte crayon on board.” (Ombretta Agrí Andruff). HangART-7, Hangar-7, Salzburg / Austria, press preview, July 7, 2006.