Continental Squats 249½lb

2023-08-06 5

After the Split Squat & Heel Push, l broke out the Continental Squats doin' doubles with 249½lb. Wanna burn some extra calories? Do your Squat warm-ups this way until you get to your working sets, then Squat normally off the Rack. Not only will you burn some calories, but you'll loosen up those shoulders, making setting the bar on your back easier. This hopping the bar up DOES Pre-Exhaust the Lower Back, so staying upright will be harder as you Squat, but it will build endurance, which all can use, right? Hope you're having a great weekend! God Bless!
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring." - Acts 17:28
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