Giant ‘doomsday fish’ has rare close encounter with divers off Taiwan coast

2023-07-25 20

This is the incredible moment divers encountered a huge earthquake-heralding oarfish with holes in its body off the coast of Taiwan.The rare sea creature with shimmering silver scales was spotted floating eerily upright near Ruifang District in Taipei. It appeared to have several holes in its body believed to be bites inflicted while escaping from a shark attack.One diver reached out to caress the oarfish, which flinched at his touch.The illusive marine animal, said to be a harbinger of earthquakes, measured at least 8ft long and had bulging round eyes.Cheng Ruwang, who captured the spooky encounter, said: 'I was diving with the group and we immediately recognised the earthquake fish. It was a very special encounter, as I've never seen one in real life before.'There were holes in the oarfish's body which probably came from a shark attack. I hope that this is not a bad omen.'There is a popular belief that oarfish portend natural disasters, as they are said to appear before tsunamis or earthquakes. The connection has not been scientifically proven.Oarfish live in temperate to tropical regions, typically living between 650 to 3,200 feet below the ocean's surface. Because they thrive in great depths, few of them can survive being pulled to shallow waters where currents are more turbulent.