7 in 10 high school teachers agree a ‘one-size-fits-all education’ is a thing of the past

2023-07-21 4

Seven in 10 high school teachers agree that a one-size-fits-all education, with the same curriculum and teaching methods for all students, is a thing of the past.

The traditional classroom model seems to require a shift as the majority (67%) prefers to have fewer than 20 students in a classroom, according to a survey of 2,000 high school teachers.

Over half (51%) feel uncertain about their ability to impact their students' performance in a traditional large-group classroom setting.

According to the survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Learn4Life, most high school teachers (86%) are familiar with personalized learning, an alternative to traditional group learning that aims to customize learning for each student's strengths, needs, skills and interests.

Seventy-eight percent of high school teachers reported being able to identify the learning styles, challenges and goals of each of their students, while 22% were unsure.

However, when it comes to creating personalized learning plans for each student, almost one-third of teachers expressed uncertainty about their ability to do so.

Teachers have identified several obstacles to providing personalized education, including limited access to technology and resources to support personalized learning (44%), administrative policies and procedures that restrict teacher flexibility in instruction (43%) and a lack of training and professional development in personalized education strategies (41%).

Personalized learning is believed by 53% to mitigate behavioral issues in the classroom. Moreover, teachers see it as a way to reduce anxiety and stress (50%), improve educational outcomes (51%), boost engagement (49%) and enhance creativity (51%).

Among the teachers, 86% believe in personalized learning, with 27% believing it should start in high school.

Ninety-two percent of teachers described their ideal classroom. For design, 24% said they preferred a more collaborative design with tables or desks in groups to facilitate and 21% said they’d want a space that allows flexibility for small group work and one-on-one instruction.

“In our rapidly changing world where every service is becoming increasingly individualized, the days of a teacher lecturing in front of a classroom are becoming obsolete,” said Shellie Hanes, Learn4Life superintendent of schools. “We need to change up the structure of our classrooms for more collaboration and one-on-one teaching with our students.”

If schools incorporate personalized learning, 52% of teachers believe it will provide benefits such as individualized attention and accommodations to meet the needs of students, while 47% believe it will create a more engaging and interactive learning experience.

Additionally, 59% believe it can help students build positive relationships with their teachers and peers, ultimately reducing conflicts and negative behavior.