Former Chief Minister of Karnataka and JD(S) leader HD Kumaraswamy congratulated the police officers on the successful arrest of the suspected terrorists who were arrested by the Central Crime Branch in Bengaluru on July 19.
He also requested the state government and advised them to give free hand to honest officers.
“I congratulate the successful arrest of the suspected terrorist. Nowadays, several sensitive missions are there particularly state government intelligence and our police officers, they have to take it seriously and scuttle all these kind of illegal activities-violence or terrorist activities. I request the government and advise them to give full free hand to honest officers to work successfully,” said HD Kumaraswamy.
Central Crime Branch (CCB) on July 19 arrested 5 suspected terrorists. It is suspected that they had planned to carry out a blast in Bengaluru. CCB also seized explosive materials. They have been identified as Syed Suhel, Umar, Janid, Mudasir, and Zahid.