Kneeling Bent Presses 77lb

2023-07-18 18

Kneeling Bent Presses with 50lb & 77lb. I do not necessarily look forward to doing these, but l certainly look forward to the results!! These are so good at forcing a full rotation, which benefits my left Bent Press. If you try these, they may seem stupid hard, but l can GUARANTEE that they are worth learning! God Bless!
"If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth." - 1 John 1:6
#jesussaves #strongman_archaeology #oldtimestrongman #bentpress #fyp #kneelingbentpress #torsomobility #torsorotation #rotatorcuffstrength #shouldermobility #hipmobility #kneemobility #wristmobility