Ajit Pawar, Nationalist Congress Party leader along with eight others joined the Maharashtra government. Pawar said, “If we can go with Shiv Sena, can't we join the BJP?” On July 2, Ajit Pawar took oath as the Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra. Pawar will share the position with BJP’s Devendra Fadnavis. Chhagan Bhujbal, Dilip Walse Patil, Aditi Tatkare, Dhananjay Munde, Hasan Mushrif, Ramraje Nimbalkar, Sanjay Bansode, Dharmrav Baba Atram, and Anil Bhaidas Patil took oath. Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde welcomed Ajit Pawar and the eight leaders. Watch the video to know more.