How did Imam Sajjad (AS) Reconstruct the Islamic Society?

2023-06-07 2

During this situation, the Imam was planning an ideal Islamic government in the long-term. His goal was to influence the people with his prayers and moral actions, and to attract them towards true Islamic teachings. The Imam also trained real Muslims in a society where everyone called themselves Muslims, yet did not abide by the Prophetic values. The Imam illustrated the framework of an ideal Islamic government in his book, Risalat al-Huquq.
Imam Sajjad was a symbol of prayer and piety in society. He fasted and prayed one thousand units of prayer daily. His face would become pale in worship in the presence of God. His prayers would often remind people of the prayers of Imam Ali. Imam Sajjad had multiple honorable titles reflecting his worship. He was known as ‘Sajjad’, which means ‘the one who prostrates abundantly’, and ‘Sayyid al-Saajideen’ which means ‘the Master of the Prostrators’. He received these titles because he was constantly in prostration and prayer to God for every blessing he had received. He was also known as ‘Dhu Thafanaat’, which means ‘someone who has grown calluses or hard thickened skin on all places touching the ground while prostrating’, and he used to treat his hardened skin twice a year. He was also known as ‘Zayn al-Abidin’ which means ‘the Adornment of the Worshippers’.
The Imam tried to attract the people to the true Islamic teachings. He wanted to open their relationships with God through the language of prayers. This was not suspicious for the governors, nor did it repel the people. Many supplications have been narrated from the Imam, such as the famous supplication of Abu Hamza al-Thumaali, which the Imam used to recite during the dawns of the month of Ramazan. A collection of 54 of the Imam’s supplications is compiled in a book called al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya. This book is the greatest Shia book after the Quran and Nahj al-Balagha. It is also called ‘Sister of the Quran’, ‘Gospel of the Holy Household’, and ‘Psalms of Muhammad’s progeny’, which clearly indicate the importance of the book. In this book of supplications, the Imam expresses Islamic knowledge regarding various aspects of individual, social, political, and cultural life. The famous Makarim Al-Akhlaq is just one of the supplications in al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya.
Imam Sajjad also worked hard to raise Muslims with true Islamic values. The Imam, who had started with only three companions, expanded to tens of companions during his lifetime. The names of more than 170 companions of the Imam are recorded in history. The Imam offered classes to teach Islamic lessons in the Mosque of the Prophet and in his own home. He would purchase enslaved men whom he didn’t need, and would train them to become model Muslims. The Imam would even take them to Hajj with him, provide them with financial resources, and eventually free them into society. He would never keep any of them for more than a year, and every year at the end of the month of Ramazan, he would free about 20 s