Why did Imam Hasan (AS) Give up the Caliphate to Muawiyah?

2023-06-06 3

Imam Ali’s Governorship after Siffin
After the long and harsh Battle of Siffin was left inconclusive, Imam Ali constantly urged the Kufans to rise against the injustice of Muawiyah. The Kufans, however, were reluctant to respond to the Imam’s call. The Imam’s recruiting for his army against Muawiyah coincided with the Khawarij’s uprising. The Imam had no choice but to suppress the Khawarij, who were based close to Kufa. After the Battle of Nahrawan, the Imam wanted to take the army directly towards Muawiyah, but the troops did not support the Imam and urged him to return to Kufa.
During the upcoming months, Muawiyah and his army benefited from this situation and invaded Egypt, killed the Imam’s governor and troops, and appointed Amr ibn al-As as the governor. They also caused unrest in the Imam’s territories in Iraq, Mecca, Medina, and Yemen. Imam Ali was very disappointed with the people of Kufa and complained about them in many instances. According to one of the Imam’s sermons in Nahj al-Balagha, the Imam wished to have just 1,000 courageous and loyal men on horses ready for battle instead of his entire army.

After Imam Ali’s hidden burial, Imam Hasan delivered a sermon in the Mosque of Kufa to announce the martyrdom of his father from the strike of a poisonous sword. In this sermon, Imam Hasan remembered and mourned for Imam Ali. He then introduced himself as the progeny of the Prophet and described the greatness of the Prophet’s household for God. The people, who were already grieved by the loss of their leader, Imam Ali, and feared Muawiyah’s revenge for the Battle of Siffin, readily pledged allegiance to Imam Hasan. The Khawarij also pledged allegiance on the condition of war against Muawiyah, but the Imam only accepted unconditional allegiance. The Khawarij had no choice but to agree. After Imam Hasan was selected democratically, messengers were sent out to other parts of the government, and they all paid allegiance to the Imam.

Beginning of Caliphate
When Imam Hasan became the leader, he needed some time to settle the matters of the new government. Similar to the customs of the Prophet and Imam Ali, Imam Hasan advised his opponent, Muawiyah, by sending him a letter and inviting him to pledge allegiance. Muawiyah saw himself as closer to becoming the caliph after the martyrdom of Imam Ali, so he responded by saying, “Our example is like that of Abu Bakr (first caliph) and your father Ali for the caliphate. I am older than you and have more experience in politics.”
Muawiyah continued his conspiracy and propaganda against Imam Hasan. He ordered his agents in Kufa to kill the Imam and blamed the Khawarij for causing turmoil in Kufa. An archer attempted to kill the Imam while he was leading the prayer in the Mosque of Kufa, but failed, causing only a minor injury to the Imam’s neck.
Muawiyah sent his troops wearing the uniforms of the Imam’s army to attack villages and cause unrest so that the people would doubt the Imam.

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