Giant pet dog gets mistaken for lion and pony

2023-05-19 22

A man's dog is so big that people cross the road when they see him and often mistake him - for a pony or a lion.

Jamal Miah adopted Kenzo, a Central Asian Shepherd, after a friend gave him up because the pooch had become too big.

Kenzo, three, is six feet tall when he stands on his hind legs, and weighs a whopping 85 kilos - the average weight of a fully grown man.

Passers-by are often shocked when they see Kenzo with many crossing the street to avoid walking past the huge dog.

Caring for Kenzo comes at a cost. The big dog eats five pounds of raw meat a day. In total, Jamal spends £1,200-a-year on food for Kenzo.

Jamal, from East London, said: "We saw him and said 'oh my god'. He's so big and he's just a puppy.

"It's 50/50. Some people are scared and cross the street when they see him, and others just want to stroke and pet him.

"People will question me, like; 'what is this dog'? They'll say 'what is that'? 'Is that a pony'? 'Is it a lion'?

"My daughters were scared of him initially because of his size. But after a few walks they got used to him. He knows they're my daughters, so he's their natural protector now."