How nuclear fusion (maybe) works (4) - reactor practicalities

2023-05-16 28

[1] Welcome to Planet ITER: a technical tour of the worksite by iterorganization
[2] M. Reinhart et al., “Latest results of Eurofusion plasma-facing components research in the areas of power loading, material erosion and fuel retention”, Nuclear Fusion 62, 042013 (2022).
[3] ITER Cryopump
[4] The first high-speed colour video from the COMPASS tokamak
[5] Aerial photo of Culham Science Centre, UK Atomic Energy Authority,
[6] ITER view, ITER Organization/EJF Riche
[7] National Ignition Facility's target chamber
[8] S. Das, “Recent advances in characterising irradiation damage in tungsten for fusion power” SN Applied Sciences 1, 1614 (2019).
[9] K. Niu, “Nuclear Fusion”, (CUP 1989). ISBN: 978-0-521-11354-0
[10] B. Labit et al., “Experimental studies of the snowflake divertor in TCV” Nuclear Materials and Energy 12, 1015 (2017).
[11] Nuclear power plant in Cattenom, France (User: Stefan Kühn)
[12] Advanced Test Reactor by Argonne National Laboratory,
[13] J. E. Menard et al. “Fusion nuclear science facilities and pilot plants based on the spherical tokamak”, Nuclear Fusion 56, 106023 (2016).
[14] Carbon fiber laminated sheet (User: Racingjeff)
[15] Raíl de ferrocarril en Roma, Gotland (User: Bene Riobó)íl_en_Roma,_Gotland.jpg
[16] S. M. Gonzalez de Vicente et al., “Overview on the management of radioactive waste from fusion facilities: ITER, demonstration machines and power plants” Nuclear Fusion 62, 085001 (2022).
[17] Core of the BR2 reactor by Dmitry Terentyev (SCK CEN: Belgian Nuclear Research Centre)
[18] ITER Assembly - In-Vessel components by iterorganization
[19] Remote handling work inside the JET Tokamak by EUROfusion
[20] X. Hu et al., “Transmutation-induced Precipitation in Tungsten Irradiated with A Mixed Energy Neutron Spectrum” Acta Materialia 165, 51 (2019).
[21] M. Rubel et al., “Application of Ion Beam Analysis in Studies of First Wall Materials in Controlled Fusion Devices” Physics 4, 37 (2022).
[22] Side view of a rack of billiards balls being broken (User: MarkBuckawicki)
[23] L. L Snead et al., “Irradiation Effects on Dielectric Mirrors in Inertial Fusion Power Reactor Application”, Fusion Science and Technology, 56, 1069 (2009).
[24] B. I. Khripunov et al., “Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor