Actor Parineeti Chopra and politician Raghav Chadha took to social media to thank everyone for the ‘love and abundance of positivity’ they received. The newly engaged couple said, “We both come from different worlds and it’s amazing to know that our worlds also unite with our union.” They thanked the media as well. The couple said, “A special shout-out to our amazing friends in the media. Thank you for being there through the day and cheering for us.” Parineeti and Raghav got engaged on May 13 in Delhi. Parineeti’s sister and actor Priyanka Chopra was seen at the venue. She said, “Congratulations Tisha and Raghav... Cannot wait for the wedding!” Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had also arrived at the event with his family. Many videos and pictures from inside the celebrations went viral on social media.