These dog breeds named as America's most spoiled dogs

2023-05-10 13,311

Do you own an Australian Shepard, Border Collie or a Corgi? According to a new survey, you might just own America’s most spoiled dog.

A poll of 2,000 US dog owners revealed 60% swear they own the “world’s most spoiled dog” and two-thirds of them have a herding dog.

Non-sporting dogs like Bulldogs, Boston Terriers and Shiba Inus came in second place for the nation’s most luxuriated breeds, earning 64% of the vote. And in third place with 59% are terrier breeds like Russell terriers, Scottish Terriers and Staffordshire Terriers.

Similarly, 79% of herding dog owners claimed their dogs live like royalty at home, tying with runner-ups sporting (79%) and terrier (79%) breeds.

An overwhelming majority (96%) said they spoil their pets in a wide variety of ways and 37% treat their dogs so well, they’d take the chance to switch bodies with their pups for a day if they could.

When asked what they would do for that day, respondents said they’d probably play all day long (47%), sleep in until noon (42%) and sleep where they usually wouldn’t be allowed to (37%).

People’s penchant for giving their dogs the life of luxury can be explained by four in five who treat and talk to their dogs as if they were human. Many talk to them as if they were children (32%), babies (18%) or like another adult (18%).

Commissioned by Solid Gold and conducted by OnePoll, the study found two-thirds of terrier owners love giving their dogs extra treats throughout the day, while 29% of toy breed owners love to serve their pups the finest bottled or filtered water in their bowl.

One in four (28%) herding dog owners love to take their dogs with them on vacation and 26% of working dogs get treated to meals being prepared by hand by their owners.

“Most of us will make the claim our dog is ‘the’ most spoiled dog, but there’s a clear trend pointing towards smaller breeds as being the most doted on,” said Yvethe Tyszka, vice president of marketing at Solid Gold. “Regardless of size or breed, all dog owners agree their pups deserve the best with delicious treats, walks, and all of our attention.”

Ahead of Mother’s Day, the survey also revealed the “dog mom” persona 75% of women surveyed take pride in.

Sixty-seven percent of them believe dog moms should be celebrated on Mother’s Day just as much as human moms, and 58% plan to spoil their dogs for Mother’s Day.

A third of women (32%) admit they likely treat their dogs more luxurious than themselves, and another third treat them better than their kids (17%) and significant others (16%).

-Play all day long - 47%
-Sleep in until noon - 42%
-Sleep where I usually don’t sleep - 37%
-Beg humans to play with me - 34%
-Bark at a stranger - 32%
-Roll around in the nearest patch of grass - 32%
-Chew on my favorite toy - 32%
-Demand to be carried everywhere - 29%
-Beg for pets - 23%
-Get as dirty as possible - 22%