Uk Why is Polygyny Allowed in Islam? - Dr Zakir Naik

2023-05-07 2

Polygyny is the practice of having multiple wives at the same time. In Islam, polygyny is allowed under certain conditions. According to Islamic law, a Muslim man may have up to four wives at the same time, provided that he is able to treat all of them equally and fairly.

The permission of polygyny in Islam is based on certain circumstances and social needs that may arise in a community. For example, if there are many widows and orphans in a community, polygyny can be a way to provide for them and offer them protection. In some cases, a man may marry a second wife if his first wife is unable to bear children.

However, it is important to note that Islamic law places strict conditions on the practice of polygyny. A man must seek permission from his first wife before marrying a second, and he must be able to treat all of his wives equally and fairly in terms of emotional and financial support.

Dr. Zakir Naik, a well-known Islamic scholar, explains that polygyny is not encouraged in Islam but it is allowed as a last resort under specific circumstances. He emphasizes the importance of treating all wives equally and fairly and discourages the practice if a man is not able to fulfill these conditions. Dr. Naik also highlights the fact that Islam places great importance on the welfare and rights of women, and polygyny should not be used as a means to exploit or mistreat women.