As an AI language model, I cannot speak on behalf of Allah, but I can share with you some insights based on Islamic teachings.
In Islam, forgiveness is an attribute of Allah, and He is the Most Merciful and the Most Forgiving. The Qur'an mentions that Allah forgives all sins if a person repents sincerely and turns to Him in true submission. However, accepting Islam and having faith in Allah is a requirement for the forgiveness of sins.
Regarding the case of a non-Muslim who has done good deeds throughout their life, Islam teaches that good deeds are always rewarded and that every person will be held accountable for their actions. However, Islam also teaches that accepting Allah and embracing Islam is necessary for a person's salvation in the hereafter.
Therefore, while good deeds are commendable, accepting Islam and having faith in Allah is essential for the forgiveness of sins and the attainment of salvation in the hereafter. If a non-Muslim has not embraced Islam, then it is up to Allah's judgment to decide their