Can AI Run Governments? | Reports

2023-05-05 2

A city in Japan is allowing government employees to use ChatGPT for admin tasks, and there's more. The hope is that AI will solve Japan’s problem of limited human resources, as the country has a steadily declining birth rate and population. Even their PM is testing it out.

The CEO of OpenAI, ChatGPT’s parent company, just visited Japanese officials to discuss expansion in the country. Unlike Japan, countries like Italy and Canada are concerned about the data security and biases that may come with using it. For their part, the Japanese city government says its employees will be forbidden from entering any confidential or personal information into ChatGPT. Do you think a government can be run by AI?

The thumbnail for this story was made using StarryAI, an AI image generator.

Yasna Vismale

Producer & Writer
Joy Jihyun Jeong

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Stephanie Tangkilisan

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Keshia Hannam

Emily Ma

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TBS News
Yokosuka City

Additional Music
On the Winds of Change by Ben Beiny