Adrian is sleeping rough homeless on the streets of London

2023-05-04 1

I met Adrian on a rainy day in London. He was trying to sell umbrellas to get by. Adrian has been on the streets sleeping rough for a year now - this time.

As a youth Adrian spent a few years homeless. But worked hard to change his life and ended up working as the business development manager for bank. When the economic crisis hit he lost his job and couldn't afford to pay rent on his flat anymore.

He did go into a hostel for a short while but when he got behind on payments he was back on the streets.

Adrian tells the very real story of violence on the streets of London. Our friends sleeping rough are never safe. It's horrible living on the streets of any city.

Adrian has a dream of starting a t-shirt shop. He's even setup a Facebook page with his designs

Adrian has 2 wishes: a flat and a job!