Geoffrey Hinton, known as the "Godfather of AI," joins critics warning about AI risks

2023-05-02 3

Geoffrey Hinton, one of the pioneers of artificial intelligence (AI) and an important figure in the development of neural networks, has left Google ($GOOGL@US) and warned against developing AI systems based on generative AI. In 2012, Dr. Hinton and two of his students created a neural network that could analyze thousands of photos and teach itself to identify common objects. Google later acquired their company for $44 million, and their system led to the creation of powerful technologies like ChatGPT and Google Bard. One of the students, Ilya Sutskever, became the chief scientist at OpenAI. Dr. Hinton and two of his collaborators were also awarded the Turing Award in 2018 for their work on neural networks. Hinton has warned against the dangers of AI-generated content.