Listen To This Happy Homeless Woman As She Gets An Apartment

2023-04-25 2

Sumaiyya ran away from home at age 12. She got sober at 21. Sumaiyya remained sober for 18 years until something terrible happened. What many people do not understand about addiction is people use drugs to escape the pain. Sumaiyya ended up homeless in Venice Beach, California.

When Sumaiyya went into A Bridge Home shelter, she didn't talk. Her case manager shared that Sumaiyya is now the life of the party. Sumaiyya's story validates that we can end homelessness when we help people go from the streets to shelter and then permanent supportive housing. It also is a powerful reminder homeless people need housing and support to heal.

With Path and Venice Community Housing support, Sumaiyya moved into her own single apartment that provides case management and other services. Joe Kulman from PATH shared in this video fighting my friend Kenneth moving into a similar apartment

We can end homelessness. We've known how to end homelessness for years. We just lack the political and public will to end homelessness. Instead, cities continue to invest in criminalizing homelessness over creating the affordable housing and support services needed. That's where you come in.

We all must advocate for more housing and support services at the local level. At the same time, we must continue to pressure state and federal legislators. Your voice can help end homelessness. If we do not fix the affordable housing crisis, homelessness will continue to get worse.

Email I received informing me of Granny's death.

Very special thanks to Team Invisible People