8 Benefits of Amla Powder – Superfood Indian Gooseberry

2023-04-25 5

Aamla is a fruit that is abundant in nutrients like vitamin C, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, and antioxidants such as alkaloids, polyphenols, and flavonoids. Regularly consuming amla in your diet can help enhance your immunity, decrease the risk of age-related macular degeneration, and improve eyesight because it contains vitamin A.

Moreover, amla has remarkable anti-aging effects that can slow down the aging of the skin and hair. When blended with a carrier, the powder of amla can be applied for various purposes, including improving the health of your hair, skin, and nails. Additionally, the high concentration of vitamin C in amla can further boost immunity and promote overall health. Amla's anti-platelet properties can also inhibit normal blood clotting, resulting in thinner blood. To learn more about the benefits of amla powder as a superfood, you can read here. https://vagadagro.in/benefits-of-amla-powder/
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